Friday, November 20, 2009

August 30, 1956 from Oleta Hood

Addressed to: Mrs. C.B Preston Rural Route, Faye Oklahoma

From: Oleta Hood, Rt. 1 Box 75, Meridian, Okla

Post Marked: August 30, 1956

Dated; August 29, 1956

Dearest Carol and C.B,

Bill came in from town at 11:00 last night and told me about C.B. We sure are sorry it happened and do hope sincerely that he is getting better and at least able to be over the worst of the pain from it.

Herbert Hudson told Bill at Round-up practice so Bill called Mr. Gummow to find out about C.B. Darla doesn't know about it yet, but will write soon as I can let her know.

Now Carol let me try to comfort you some if I can only find a way to say it. Honey, you may feel this is the worst thing that could happen to you especially at this time but God promises us that he will not put more upon us than we are able to bear. Sometimes it seems we have to go through trials to help us see how truly loving and merciful God is to us and out of these trials we learn patience, pity and understanding. And we know that God is an ever present help in times of trouble. He is our comfort and refuge. He said he would give us strength and courage. So if we can only turn to Him and leave our worry and burdens with Him, believing and trusting Him to work it out for us, He will. Also He will ease your mind & heart if you can only turn it all over into His hands. It's hard to do things for ourselves, we worry, we try to solve our problems even when we think there isn't a way possible but when we can put our faith in God our worries & problems work out in a way that we didn't think it could. We have a strength inside of us that we didn't realize we had, we have courage we didn't know about and it carries us through these trying times. We even surprise ourselves some times but it is God helping us. Paul said in the Bible that he had learned whatever state he was in therewith to be content that God's grace was sufficient to carry him through and Oh! how true that is for each one of us.

Also God has a just reason for all things that happen, we aren't suppose to be wise enough to know why because God said His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

Several times during illness in my family I couldn't have stood to see them be so ill if it had not been for my trust and faith in God. Sometimes He brings us to the place we can even get humble enough to pray for strength to accept whatever may come and to me I've found that when I had done all I could and had humbled myself enough to bear anything, then was when God took over.

Now Honey if it should happen that your baby comes sooner from the shock you have had don't be afraid at all. It is near enough to time that everything will be all right. Also you need not be afraid if C.B should still be in the hosp. and can't go with you because he could not help you only by being present to encourage you. It is a normal thing and Dr's. give drugs that do help so much. I had Randy with out Howell and many, many women had husbands in service, even overseas when theirs were born and I thought of that when I went to the hosp. It's the frame of mind we allow ourselves to get into that causes fear. And in child birth the more relaxed you are the better you will do, even deliver sooner. We may feel we can't relax but we can especially when we know it's for our own good. So many "Old Wives Tales" is what causes fear so many times or else we imagine the worst. Also different ones deliver sooner but time of deliveries differ so don't be alarmed if you should be in labor longer than you had thought, just because someone you knew delivered right away. See. you may not dilate as fast. again you may, that we have no way of knowing. Our main thought is our baby and you will surprise yourself at how calm you will be. It isn't meant to be a time of fear, nature prepares your system to deliver, so it isn't a sudden change.

I wish you were near me and if you wanted me I could go with you.

I've thought a lot about how calm Darla was all through her delivery and not that I mean to brag one bit but I do firmly believe it was because I had tried to explain to her beforehand. It's the unknown things we fear and if you have reasonable knowledge of what to expect then you aren't afraid. I talked to Elsie and she was not the least upset when Pinkie came. I was scared with Jack, no one had told me, so it was the not knowing, see.

Also, Honey C.B will be so worried that he may not be able to be with you, that will not be good for him, so you must show him that you are not afraid. Convince him you aren't and believe me you won't be. There isn't any reason for you to be.

I don't know whether I've found words to show you or not in order that it will help you some, but I hope I have. I have had 7 now and I am sincere in telling you not to be upset and in saying you need not be afraid.

Tell C.B we are thinking of him and hoping how soon he will be O.K.

Love you both,
Oleta Hood

P.S. Oh! Lands I almost forgot Darla married the 20th to Keith Jefferies. I was sorry I couldn't be at your shower but for 2 days I had been in bed with Neuritis so bad in my neck & shoulders. I was miserable. I have had it a mo. & still have it. Canning peaches & apples didn't help it. Ha!

Let us hear how C.B gets along when ever you can please as we will all be anxious to know.


  1. C.B. was my dad. He lived here in Fay untill his death in 2003.
    RJ Preston

  2. Blogger, please provide contact information for family members of Oleta Hood.
